Information and Communications Technology
News Update





Sunday, February 2, 2020

Top 6 Digital Transformation Trends In Education

This is a continuation of my series looking at how digital transformation has impacted every industry. Today’s focus is on educational trends.

Educators from all grade-levels are coming to realize the benefits of technology in the classroom. Typically, education is one of the last industries to make extensive change, holding on to antiquated methods and practices. But through the digital transformation and the rise of educational technology, teachers have begun making drastic changes to their instruction, assessments, even the physical make-up of their classrooms, and at a much faster rate than expected. These current trends are making headlines in education because of the ways in which they are impacting student learning:

Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality / Mixed Reality

Gone are the days where students are expected to sit quietly at their desks. Educational technology is succeeding in making learning collaborative and interactive. Augmented, virtual, and mixed reality are examples of transformative technology that enhance teacher instruction while simultaneously creating immersive lessons that are fun and engaging for the student.  Virtual reality has the capability of bringing the outside world into the classroom and vice versa. Apps such as Unimersiv can transport students to ancient Greece, while Cospaces allows students to share their virtual creations with the world. Wilkes University online adjunct professor and independent educational technologist Kathy Schrock concludes virtual reality has the potential to increase visual literacy, technology literacy, and attention to audience. The idea of combining AR/VR/MR is highly anticipated. Take, for example, the privately owned company Magic Leap. Even though it has yet to really sell anything, Magic Leap is already valued at four and a half billion dollars! This speaks to the projected endless possibilities of technology transforming classrooms.

Classroom Set of Devices

Schools are moving away from BYOD, or bring your own device, and students no longer have to go to the technology lab for access to a computer or laptop. Recent years have shown an increase in classroom sets of computers that was made possible in part by federal funding. Title I schools have received funds via The Every Student Succeeds Act, and several grants and donations have outfitted classrooms all over the country with iPads and laptops for each student. Google Chromebooks account for over half of the devices in US classrooms. In 2014, more than three million Chromebooks were used in educational institutions. As that number continues to grow, so does the need for increased focus on programs that teach digital citizenship skills. Today’s pervasive online environment poses exciting possibilities, ones that necessitate students are properly educated on cyber safety and individual responsibility.

Digital Learning & ICT in Education

Digital technologies are an inseparable part of today's learning process. The European Commission works on several policy initiatives in order to modernise education and training, provides funding for research and innovation in order to promote digital technologies used for learning and measures the progress on digitization of schools.

Digital Learning and the EC
The Action plan on Digital Learning
The European Commission has adopted on 17 January 2018 the Communication on the Digital Education Action Plan. The Action Plan outlines how the EU can help individuals, educational institutions and education systems to better adapt for life and work in an age of rapid digital change by:

Making better use of digital technology for teaching and learning;
Developing relevant digital competences and skills for the digital transformation;
Improving education through better data analysis and foresight.
Strengthening European identity through education and culture
The European Commission adopted on 17 November 2017 the Communication on Strengthening European identity through education and culture, the Commission's contribution to the Leaders' meeting on education and culture at the Gothenburg summit. Within this Communication, the Commission proposes to roll-out in 2019 the pilot project for an EC student eCard, with the objective of offering it to all mobile students by 2025, to facilitate student mobility across borders and offer a new user-friendly way to store information on a person's academic records. A study commissioned by the European Commission is currently analysing the feasibility of eID and Authentication Services to support Student Mobility and Access to Student Services in Europe and will soon be published.

Improving and modernising education
On 7 December 2016, the European Commission also adopted a Communication on improving and modernising education in order to provide a high quality education for all, highlighting amongst others the benefits of digital technologies for offering new ways of learning.

Opening up education
The European Commission has also adopted on 25 October 2013 the Communication on Opening Up Education, a high-level European Agenda to seize the opportunities of the digital revolution in education and training, as well as the Communication on Rethinking Education adopted on 20 November 2012, investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes.

Funding of Research and Innovation for Digital Learning
The European Commission funds many activities on research and innovation for digital learning under several programmes, including Horizon 2020, FP7 and CIP.

Calls for proposals:
Mentoring Scheme for schools: mainstreaming innovation by spreading the advanced ICT-based teaching practices to a wide circle of schools (€2 M)
    Date of publication: 05/11/2019
    Date of closing: 12/03/2020

The following areas were covered under Horizon 2020:

An empowering, inclusive Next Generation Internet (ICT-2019-30). More information in the background document.
Technologies for learning and skills (ICT-22-2016)
Technologies for better human learning and teaching (ICT 20 – 2015)
Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies (ICT 21- 2014)
In the work programme year 2018-2020 of the Horizon 2020 programme, the focus will be on supporting actions on smarter, open, trusted and personalised learning solutions to optimise digital learning and to allow learners to engage and interact with content and with peers (topic ICT-30-2019-2020: An empowering, inclusive Next Generation Internet).

Initiated by the European Parliament, the European Commission also co-funds the development and demonstration of a European-wide learning and assessment technology system and networks to facilitate the up- and re-skilling of European citizens at risk of exclusion, in particular migrants, whilst empowering citizens to take more responsibilities for their own learning. Moreover, the European Commission, following the initiative by the European Parliament, co-finances a pilot project to identify existing digital learning solutions that can support teachers in the classroom and parents at home with pupils having attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and/or concentration problems.

Measuring the progress on digitization of schools
In order to assess progress made in the introduction of ICT in education, the Commission plans to update "The Survey of Schools: ICT in Education". This study has been the last in-depth analysis on the uptake of technology in classrooms across Europe, with data collected in 2011-2012. It provides detailed and reliable benchmarking on the use of ICT in school education across Europe, from infrastructure provision to use, confidence and attitudes.

Six years later, there is an urgent need to provide more up-to-date figures. Building on the results of the first Survey of Schools: ICT in Education, the European Commission plans to publish a 2nd Survey of Schools: ICT in Education early 2019. The study will assess progress made in mainstreaming ICT in education and define the conditions for the future connected classroom.

Moreover, the European Commission has also published a study on the satellite-based broadband services in schools. The study showed that in 2015, an estimated 18% of primary and secondary schools in the EC were not connected to broadband. The study concluded that the satellite broadband could be an efficient option for poorly connected schools. It also suggested that a voucher scheme could be used as a tool to close the broadband gap for schools.

ICT (information and communications technology, or technologies)

ICT, or information and communications technology (or technologies), is the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing.

Although there is no single, universal definition of ICT, the term is generally accepted to mean all devices, networking components, applications and systems that combined allow people and organizations (i.e., businesses, nonprofit agencies, governments and criminal enterprises) to interact in the digital world.

Components of an ICT system
ICT encompasses both the internet-enabled sphere as well as the mobile one powered by wireless networks. It also includes antiquated technologies, such as landline telephones, radio and television broadcast -- all of which are still widely used today alongside cutting-edge ICT pieces such as artificial intelligence and robotics.

ICT is sometimes used synonymously with IT (for information technology); however, ICT is generally used to represent a broader, more comprehensive list of all components related to computer and digital technologies than IT.

The list of ICT components is exhaustive, and it continues to grow. Some components, such as computers and telephones, have existed for decades. Others, such as smartphones, digital TVs and robots, are more recent entries.

ICT commonly means more than its list of components, though. It also encompasses the application of all those various components. It's here that the real potential, power and danger of ICT can be found.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Here, there water everywhere - Distribution and Availability of Usable Water

Distribution and Availability of Usable Water

The world's water
"Water, water everywhere..." for water this phrase is really true. Earth's water is almost everywhere, above the Earth, in the air and clouds, on the Earth as rivers, oceans, ice and plants, and inside the Earth in the top few miles on the ground.

Taken from

Water - Class Activity

Share the Class in 4 groups.

Group 1: Groundwater

  1. What is groundwater?
  2. Why does the groundwater stay underground?
  3. For how long groundwater have been underground?
  4. How does the ground keep water in it?
  5. What is an aquifer?
  6. How do people and communities get water from underground?
  7. How much do we depend of groundwater?

Group 2: Icecaps, Glaciers, Rivers and Lakes

  1. What are glaciers? 
  2. How a glacier is formed?
  3. Where is the majority of glaciers located?
  4. Do glaciers move?
  5. What are rivers? 
  6. How do rivers form?
  7. Mention the 3 longest rivers in the world.
  8. What are lakes?
  9. How lakes are formed?
  10. Mention the effects of ice age pluvial-lakes

Group 3: Distribution of the Water in the World

  1. How many people in the world have no access to clean water?
  2. What are the consequences of using unclean (contaminated) water?
  3. What are the regions of the world that suffer lack of water supply?
  4. What are the regions in the world where people consume more water?
  5. How much water per day should a person really use?
  6. From the world's usable water, how much goes to agricultural, industrial and domestic use?

Group 4: Distribución del agua en el Peru

  1. Cómo está distribuída el agua en el Perú?
  2. Cuál es la principal fuente de agua para la ciudad de Lima?
  3. Cuáles son las alternativas de conseguir agua potable para las personas en Lima que no tienen acceso al agua?
  4. Cuáles son las consecuencias de tomar agua contaminada?
  5. Cómo la ubicación de la ciudad de Lima es un problema para abastecer de agua a sus pobladores?
  6. Cual es la recomendación de la OMS sobre el uso de agua por persona?
  7. Menciona las formas en las que se puede desperdiciar el agua potable.
  8. Cuáles son los distritos en Lima con menos acceso al agua potable?
  9. Cómo se puede motivar a las personas para un uso adecuado del agua?

All students in the group must create an individual informational MS Word document considering these:
  • Answer all the questions of your group.
  • Include 5 pictures (least)
  • Check the settings for the text and pictures on the board.

Every student can access to these online informational resources made in 2015, by third grade students:

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Copyright - We Own Our Creative Work

We Own Our Creative Work :D

What is Copyright?

Examples of Creative Work:

How does the Copyright work?

Why Copyright was created or established?

How is Copyright connected to authors and artist?
How is Copyright connected to users?

What is our responsiblility as users of the website's information?

Copyright Idea's Organizer

Videos for Extra Information:

Follow these readings:

Copyright - Class Activity

Choose your work group, it must have 5 members.
Go to your class wall and answer the question for your group - create a post for the answer.

Every member picks one personal question from this list:

   a. What is Internet Piracy?
   b. What is "fair use"?
   c. What does the little "R" means and what is the meaning of TM?
   d. What is the public domain?
   e. How do you cite a resource from Internet?

    Create an extra post to answer your personal question.

    Copyright - Class Activity 2

    Create a presentation following the instructions:
    • Slide 1: Personal information.
    • Slide 2: Organizer "Copyright".
    • Slide 3: Creative Works (6 examples, use pictures).
    • Slide 4: 3 Questions and answers related to Copyright.

    It would be nice to know how you like this topic, Give me your opinion to help me to improve my blog.

    Friday, April 22, 2016

    Growing Well - Body Systems


    What a system is?
    A system is a group of parts that work together to perform a task.

    What is a body system?
    A human body system is a group of organs that work together to develop a body function.
    The human body has several body systems, each of them develop a specific function inside our body.

    There are different body systems.

    How do they work?
    Body systems work through different organs.

    What do body systems do?
    Each system inside our body does different tasks, such as the food digestion, the breathing and to transport the oxygenated blood through our body.

    How are body systems interconnected?
    Body systems are connected one another through specific organs.

    Body Systems - Class Activity

    1. Choose an organ according to the body system assigned to your group.
    2. Organize your index card with the information required.

    3. Find a picture of the organ you are working on.
    4. Go to your class wall and create a post, consider organ name, function and care. Upload a picture and type your name.

    Extra Information

    Monday, April 4, 2016

    Internet Search / Online Sources Evaluation

    Internet Search

    What is an Internet search?
    It is to look for information using Internet.

    What does it do?
    It replies to me with a lot of websites that probably contain my answer.

    How does it work?
    Using a search engine or a browser.

    What is a "search engine"?
    It is a powerful program that finds all the "hits" for your search.

    What are the "search engines" you know?
    There are many different search engines.
    How do they work?
    It goes all through the Internet finding the websites that contain my key words.

    Why do "search engines" exist?
    To find the online sources faster all over Internet.

    Let's learn about it...

    Class Activity
    • Order the symbols to get a faster and smart search, use one of the following topics.

    Practice with this game

    Internet Search - Class Activity

    • Choose a topic from this list:
    • Ask to your teacher the form to do your own Internet search, use the tips you have been adviced.

    Online Sources Evaluation

    Evaluating the Website Information

    Who is the AUTHOR or PUBLISHER?

    WHERE did they get the information? Is it TRUE?

    Does it have good grammar and an appropriate language?

    WHEN was the last time they UPDATED the website?

    Does the website look PROFESSIONAL?

    What do OTHERS THINK of the site?

    Is the information a FACT or an OPINION?

    Online Sources Evaluation - Class Activity

    Create a power point presentation with the following slides:
    1. Information: Your name, class and date.
    2. Vocabulary: Vast, reliable, trustworthy, verify, logo, biased.
    3. Organizer 1: What is an Online Source?
    4. Organizer 2: A Website Evaluation

    Wednesday, March 16, 2016

    Growing Well - My Healthy Plate

    My Healthy Plate

    Our healthy plate is a balanced combination of 5 different meals, It must include fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains and dairy. All of them are important for our nutrition and to stay healthy.

    Healthy Plate Class Activity - Part 1

    • Make your work group following the teacher's instructions according to the meal you will research: fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains or dairy.
    • Talk to your group mates to share the items and collect a picture for every meal, at least 5 different pictures each student, save them in a specific folder.
    • Ask your teacher for a "post it" to write facts of the meal you are researching (at least one).
    • Go to in case you need to know some meanings.


    Healthy Plate Class Activity - Part 2

    • Go to your class wall and post the items you have researched. On the post you must consider the items' name, one fact about it and a picture. Type your name and lastname on every post.
    • Every item's list must have at least: 30 fruits, 30 vegetables, 40 proteins, 15 grains and 15 dairy & oils items.

    Extra Activities Songs, Videos and Games:

    Monday, March 7, 2016

    AL Digital Citizenship Agreements - Third Grade

    We Are All Digital Citizens!

    The idea of "digital citizenship" has become an important topic in education everywhere. So what part should our schools play in creating good digital citizens, and how the teacher can help...

    Schools play a big role in encouraging children to become good future citizens, and now some behaviours have beeing added related to the digital world we now live in, and the principle of using technology in ways that are responsible, respectful and safe. 
    What does it mean to be a good digital citizen?

    Digital Citizenship Class Activity - Part 1

    Find your partner and read the item on your paper together.
    Watch the following clips and think about the rules of behaviour for digital citizens.
    Individually complete the idea on your paper.

    Digital Citizenship in Schools

    5 Facts About Digital Citizenship

    Digital Citizen - Who Will You Be?

    What is Digital Citizenship?

    Digital Citizenship

    An introduction to Digital Citizenship

    Oversharing - Digital Citizenship


    Abraham Lincoln Digital Citizenship Agreements

    As third grade ICT users we wil be:


    1. I will only use the learning sites recommended by my teachers and those my parents allow me to use.
    2. I will treat all technology equipment with care.
    3. I will keep my password private and I will respect other people's passwords. I understand that I can share my password with my teachers or parents only.
    4. I will not share personal information about myself or anyone else. This includes names, addresses, phone number, photos, etc... 


    1. I will ask for help politely when I have a problem using technology and I will use kind language with all comunity members when using technology for communication or learning activities. I will not use technology to worry or threatened anybody.
    2. I will not use other people's usernames an passwords.
    3. I will only use my files and folders, never modify or change any of my friends works.
    4. I will follow all the instructions and rules given by my teachers to do the class activites only.
    5. I will respect copyright procedures by citing the source of content that I use in my projects (texts, photos, etc) I will avoid plagiarism.


    1. I will tell my teachers or parents if I feel uncomfortable with anything I find on a computer.
    2. I will not share any of my personal information in social networks. This includes videos, photos, etc...
    3. I will share with my fellow students the information appropriate for my age only.

    I understand that if I don't follow any part of this agreement my technology facilities at school will be restricted.

    Digital Citizenship Class Activity - Part 2

    Go to your class wall, find the room for the topic you are working on and create a post with the "behaviour rule" you have been given. In the post must be your name and lastname, an opinion or experience about the topic and a picture.








    This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.